50:50【TAPE】- kazuyasato

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BLACK URBAN TAPESを主宰する”Kazuyasato"によるフィールドレコーディングを多用したコンセプトサウンド🔮


使用している楽器は電子カリンバ、カセットテープを再生録音できるCASIO EG-5ギター、Mooer製の小型のエフェクターを数台、Abeleton liveのプラグインとI phoneのボイスメモ機能を使い、曲名に記載されている時間にフィールドレコーディングを収録し、それらをまとめていくつかの楽曲を作りました。


This work was inspired by an experience of traveling abroad, and began with a recollection of memories of two lands where identities were formed in a distant land of travel.
One memory is of living in the snowy prefecture of Akita for 20 years, and the other is of 20 years in Tokyo, where he currently lives. The number of years I have lived in Akita and Tokyo since my birth is now 50/50. I created new music by texturing the environmental sounds of living in Tokyo and Akita. There is a skateboarding trick called 50/50. This basic, very stylized, and stable trick, which involves sliding a curb on the metal part of the nose and tail side, commonly known as the track, was used as a balanced balance to create a drone music that gives stability and rest.
Within the short time limit of about 20 minutes, the lives and memories of Akita and Tokyo are engraved. We say from the past to the future, but neither the past nor the future are mere concepts that run through in an instant and do not exist.” I realized during the production stage the importance of constantly capturing only the “now.
The instruments used were an electronic kalimba, a CASIO EG-5 guitar that can play and record cassette tapes, and several small effectors made by Mooer. We then used the Abeleton live plugin and the voice memo function of the I phone to field record chuxing material at the times indicated in the song titles.
released March 5, 2025

Title: 50:50
Artist : kazuyasato
Cat No : BUT-022
Format :Cassette Tape

Release Date : 05/03/2025
DLコード :in code