Ways【TAPE】- Xyla
5K 【TAPE】- Barrie
Retrofutures Vol. 1【TAPE】- Cruel Buddhist
Subtle Movements 【TAPE】- Surya Botofasina, Nate Mercereau, Carlos Niño
Polaris【TAPE】- One Million Eyes
Galactic Templates / Palm Rubber Land (+DL)【TAPE】- Thyme Lines
Noemania 【TAPE】- Trichotillomania / Noematic Oblivion
Isotopia【TAPE】- Negro Dinero
Sam Wilkes, Craig Weinrib, and Dylan Day【TAPE】- Sam Wilkes, Craig Weinrib, and Dylan Day
Colors 【TAPE】- Kara-Do
Ōki-sa【TAPE】- Fumitake Tamura & Jason Kolàr
Mathème 【TAPE】- Ave Grave
Das Sind Die Beatles... Munchen 1966 【TAPE】- The Beatles
Infinity Machine 002 【TAPE】- Infinity Machine
Connecting with the Inner Healer Through Music 【TAPE】- LARAAJI
Centrum, Worcester 1994 【TAPE】- Stone Temple Pilots
Ultraflowers 【TAPE】- Monokle
Music for Tomato Plants【TAPE】- Loris S. Sarid
MUSIQUE SAVANTE【TAPE】- Saucisse Cocktail
Uncleared 【TAPE】- Matthewdavid
The Riviera Theatre, Chicago 1995 【TAPE】- THE SMASHING PUMPKINS
Intercommunications 【TAPE】- Paige Emery
Blonde 【TAPE】- Frank Ocean